Third French Immersion Summer School is a Success

From July 8 to 26, the École de langues of the Faculté de l’éducation permanente held its third international French immersion summer school open to all.

From July 8 to 2, the École de langues of the Faculté de l’éducation permanente held its third international French immersion summer school open to all. A total of 33 students from all over the world took part in the summer school, which was based on an interactive approach with emphasis on improving oral comprehension and expression skills, as well as reading and writing, through fun communication activities. The program included productions written collectively and oral expression activities based on images, events and excerpts from novels.

Discovery of Francophone culture was also at the heart of the approach used by FEP’s École de langues and was a vital element of the immersion experience. The program included a broad range of sociocultural activities, through which the students discovered Montréal while practising the language.